Sunday, May 10, 2020
Essay on The Death Penalty - 1554 Words
Almost all nations in the world either have the death sentence or have had it at one time. It was used in most cases to punish those who broke the laws or standards that were expected of them. Since the death penalty wastes tax money, is inhumane, and is largely unnecessary it should be abolished in every state across the United States. The use of the death penalty puts the United States in the same category as countries like Iran and Saudi Arabia which are two of the world’s worst human rights violators (Friedman 34). Lauri Friedman quotes, â€Å"Executions simply inject more violence into an already hostile American society.†The cost of the Death Penalty is highly expensive. A case to put someone in jail costs on average two million†¦show more content†¦Lynn Pasquerella quotes, â€Å"Executing a murderer does not change what has been done nor does it compensate for the less suffered by the victim and the victim’s family.†The eighth amendme nt in the United States constitution prohibits the cruel and unusual punishment of a person therefore the death penalty should be prohibited in every state in the United States. Is it right to administer the death penalty if the crime is not proven justly and in full? There is always a possibility that the death penalty could be administered to someone who was innocent. Since the death penalty was reinstated a hundred and thirty nine death row inmates have been exonerated, according to the Death Penalty Information Center (Overall). In 2009 alone nine death row inmates were exonerated after courts overturned conviction because of lack of evidence. This ranks the second highest number of exonerations since the death penalty was reinstated in the United States (Overall). With this stated, do we know as citizens that every inmate on death row is guilty? Do we wish to persecute an innocent man or woman and have their family suffer daily from the loss of the family member? No, we as citizens do not know these things for certain and it would be better to administer life in prison than to murder an innocent man or woman. Sixty three percent on Gallup Poll sa y an innocent person has been executed in the lastShow MoreRelatedThe Death Penalty Is Justified1143 Words  | 5 PagesAllison Shu 2/25/16 Period 2 Objective paper on the death penalty Capital punishment is legally authorized killing as punishment for a crime. The death penalty questions the morality of killing a person as justification for their crime. 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