Sunday, January 26, 2020
Positive And Negative Impacts Of Customer Relationship
Positive And Negative Impacts Of Customer Relationship In current economic conditions it is a basic requirement for a company to manage information. Anderson Kerr 2002, p.2 define Customer Relationship Management as a comprehensive approach for creating, maintaining and expanding customer relationships. It is vital that information is used effectively to acknowledge the customer needs. CRM is established for the improvement of the relationship between the customer and organisation. This improvement happens when a company establishes new relations with the new customers and also when it maintains its existing relationship with the customer. CRM existed in ancient times but only started to develop in recent years (Makeupmyname, 2009) It is explained that the development is mainly due to technological advances. Although there are other factors which influenced the recent development of CRM. As a business strategy CRM effectively organisies company resources in the department of sales, marketing, finance and HR (Get fast, Date Accessed 4th) This report will specifically look at the positive and negative impacts of Customer Relationship Management has upon the marketing function. Furthermore it will take a detailed look at the use of technology and business strategy. USE OF TECHNOLOGY EXPLAINING: According to Buttle (2004,p.34) Customer Relationship management (CRM) is a core business strategy that integrates processes, functions and external networks to create and deliver value to targeted customers at a profit. It is grounded on high quality customer data and enable by Information Technology (IT). Raab, et al. (2008) expands on this by stating that company carries on their existing business by finding the appropriate methods, technology and then delivering them to the customer in the best ways preferred to the customers requirements. This mainly includes the data which assists the company to know valuable information required for marketing the product to the customer. Information produced for purpose of CRM consists of customers behavior towards the company, transactions made from sales, web used by the customer for purchasing the product and contact of the customer for informing them about the new product and keeping relationships. Software technology helps the company to analyse the data for marketing the product and also for finding out which product is more preferred by their customer in the market (Smith, 2009) Software technology allows the company to analyse the data and keep the relationship with the customer. This form of technology assists the company to advertise their products online and also assists selling of the product through this software. In the contrast hardware technology is used for storing all kind of data used by the company about its customer. Hardware is described as a client-server with mainframe for data volumes by Mutch (2008,p. 92). IMPACT OF INFORMATION USE: By considering CRM as a technology, the incorporated usage of Information Communication Technology (ICT), Information Technology (IT) and Information system (IS), are vital from which the data are occurred and interpreted for the information use (Mutch, 2008). CRM has developed in last decade due to the technology used in it. The increase of acceptance in CRM technology in business is due to the concepts of marketing orientation (Kohli, Jaworski and Kumar, 1993). Technology has become important for the company for storing data and using this data to form the strategy of the company. Surveys are one of the methods used to collection information; this form of research helps company to develop marketing software which is used in advertising products to the customers. The use of web technology and use of software as a service provider records all the transactions of the sales in the customer data. This data is used so that the can find out about the usage of product from the customer. Th e company can use the usage data to make any strategic changes to its product. Ultimately, the company will produce the product to its customer needs which will therefore build its relationship with the customer. Davenport (1997, p.9) explains that information is the data which is a kind of purpose and relevance that helps the company to analysis the data in a meaningful way. Data which is collected is the information which is obtained from the customer about their view of product and their expectation from the company. Managing this data is important for the company because this helps the company to get into touch with the customer and to maintain the relationships. It is vital that marketing data which has been collected is of a qualitative nature. This is important because the collected data will be used to produce the companies marketing strategy. If incorrect data is used by the company for marketing purposes, it may have difficulties of understanding the customers requirements and therefore they will struggle in building relationships with its customers. This information which is found now can easily be stored in computers as a data and it can be used infinite amount of times by the company (Buttle, 2004). Information which is collected is structured into computer database in such a way that it can be broken down easily. In CRM the information which is collected is used for decision-making regarding the manufacturing of new product and launching it in to the market. The information which is collected in CRM can also impact customer service, finance, sales and Human Resources management. Knox (2007) affirmed that Hierarchical Nature of Information, which explain that various data merge to form information which in written forms in to knowledge for the company and this information is included to get the valuable meaning. Information is the data which has been produced by the company for making decisions regarding the products and how to market their products. Information plays an important role in the development of the marketing strategy. Managing information in large organisations is important because they regularly collect vast amount of information from the transactions of sales which can for a variety of purpose in the business (Sharp, 2003). CRM is the base for the technology used in collection of data which helps company to capture analysis and apply it in the business. The large amount of information which is collected by the company helps them to understand the requirement of the customer and then apply it to the decision- making in the business. Knowledge in term means the understanding of the particular thing (bob,2005). In regards to technology Goldenberg (2003,p, 171) states that Knowledge management technology helps companies to capture, organize, manipulate, and share explicit and implicit data. In contrast Awad and Ghaziri (2004, p.33) state that knowledge is an understanding gained through experience or study. It is the experience which builds the knowledge about the marketing for the company but not by knowing the particular thing of the market. It is like a task which has to be completed by the person for getting knowledge. In CRM the understanding of meaningful information is released to the person to result in to the knowledge of the customer relationship. The concept behind the knowledge management is of combination of people, technology and organizational process used in the best way to get the result (Awad and Ghaziri, 2004). CRM helps the company to find the most appropriate way for utilizing the knowledge and getting best result out of it. It is the mixture of all kind of data available for the company as uses secondary resources. The main focus behind CRM in knowledge is to collect large amount of data and then finding out the best suitable data for the particular product for marketing (Awad and Ghaziri, 2004).
Friday, January 17, 2020
Manipulations of Memory Used by Orwell and Williams
The steady development of â€Å"Big Brother†as the all-controlling entity in George Orwell’s 1984 is the premise for the role truth plays throughout the novel. Truth is functioned against society for the benefit of the government. Similarly, Tennessee Williams creates a uniquely different environment for his characters in The Glass Menagerie while maintaining the same function of truth as a source of distortion and control. Collectively, the themes of dehumanization in 1984 and distortion of memory in The Glass Menagerie relate to one another regarding the function of truth in each work to substantiate a sense of authority and deception. Oppression in 1984 as a direct instrument of dehumanization is made quite evident within the text. The inner-party uses several brainwashing and torture tactics to rid society of past memories and experiences. The effects these tactics have upon truth are substantial in their regard. The intent of â€Å"Big Brother†is to reduce human beings understanding to a more basic, easily manipulated and empty slate where the agendas of the inner-party can be executed with ease. We see the extent to which understanding of the past affects one’s attitude about the present when Winston states, â€Å"And when memory failed and written records were falsifiedâ€â€when that happened, the claim of the Party to have improved the conditions of human life had got to be accepted, because there did not exist, and never again could exist, any standard against which it could be tested†(Orwell 93). This quote is said following Winston’s frustrating conversation with the old man about life prior to the Revolution. Winston is coming to terms that the party has deliberately set out to weaken people’s memories in order to render them unable to challenge what the Party claims about the present. If no one remembers life before the Revolution, then no one can say that the Party has failed humanity by forcing people to live in conditions of scarcity, filth, ignorance, and famine. Rather, the party uses rewritten history books and falsified records to prove its good deeds. This proves the theory that truth is dependent of memory and without memory truth is subject to manipulation and in this case dehumanization. Orwell not only suggests this theory through the events observed in Winston but also through Winston’s own surrender to â€Å"Big Brother†and its definition of truth at the end of the novel. After the inner-party’s relentless attempt to purge Winston of any prohibited thoughts, they achieve their goal of dehumanizing him. The narrator brings closure to the novel as he describes Winston’s â€Å"new†character. â€Å"He gazed up at the enormous face. Forty years it had taken him to learn what kind of smile was hidden beneath the dark moustache. O cruel, needless misunderstanding! O stubborn, self-willed exile from the loving breast! Two gin-scented tears trickled down the sides of his nose. But it was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. He had won the victory over himself. He loved Big Brother†, said the narrator (Orwell 297). Winston’s curiosity towards â€Å"Big Brother†was prevailing during the earlier parts of the novel. This curiosity soon transforms into animosity urging him to join a rebel group to overthrow â€Å"Big Brother†. Despite these negative feelings, the power of dehumanization works against what years of curiosity have said to Winston to be true. His memory of â€Å"Big Brother†as being counterproductive to society is no longer existent because his present situation says that â€Å"Big Brother†should be loved unconditionally. The fact that Winston’s conversion was successful should focus the reader on truth and memory and how they are comparable. The dehumanization of memory stands as a principle theme in 1984 and it is through this theme that Orwell functions truth to reveal the desire of deception. Tennessee Williams takes a corresponding approach to truth and its function in his play, The Glass Menagerie. The characters, Amanda, Tom, and Laura all face the similar dilemma of a falsified perception of reality. The mother, Amanda, is the most blatant character in denial. Her situation as a single mother raising two children has subliminally deceived what she sees as factual. In a conversation with Laura Amanda is quoted â€Å"Why you're not crippled, you just have a little defect  hardly noticeable, even! When people have some slight disadvantage like that, they cultivate other things to make up for it  develop charm  and vivacity  and  charm†(Orwell 18)! Seemingly everyone is quite aware that Laura is crippled however, Amanda will not come to terms with this occurrence. She deals with this unfortunate fact by lying to herself that her daughter is not crippled thus proving there to be little veracity to any memories she has. Throughout the play Amanda is full of deceptions. Amanda changes her style of speech to a southern accent when Laura’s gentleman caller arrives. Amanda states â€Å"â€Å"light food an’ light clothes are what warm weather calls fo††(Orwell 63). The reader is told that Amanda was born in the south. In spite of that, this is the first time she speaks with a southern accent. Amanda explains her newly discovered accent as her â€Å"rejuvenated†personality but the reader can assume this is her attempt to mislead the people around her to believe she is something that she is not further revealing her deceitful memory. Consequently, Tom and Laura are trapped by this illusion Amanda creates. Laura is highly dependent upon her mother therefore she is influenced by Amanda’s views. Tom carries the burden of providing for his family and cannot leave from this world of lies and untruths. Amanda’s present state has distorted her memory and essentially distorted her sense of self and reality. Her ability to do this has given her control of what she can feel and therefore how she can live her life despite not being able to escape from the poverty stricken life. Despite having contrasting influences behind their respected themes, 1984 and The Glass Menagerie share a common purpose to gain control over reality through the manipulation of truth. In 1984 Winston observed and experienced the tactics that â€Å"Big Brother†used to give the public a misleading view of truth. Through dehumanization, â€Å"Big Brother†achieved full authority over its citizens by erasing all memories of life before the revolution. With no memories to go by society was at the mercy of â€Å"Big Brother†and what the inner-party considered acceptable. People could not judge right from wrong because â€Å"Big Brother†was all they ever knew. The Glass Menagerie is comparable is the sense that Amanda needed to gain control over her life which seemed to be spinning into the ground. She was helpless and this feeling led her to shape her own reality in order to regain this sense of control. People are typically fearful of things they cannot conquer. Amanda could not achieve freedom from her environment therefore she created her own path through a deceptive memory. Her children were trapped in this life of lies just as Winston was in 1984. In both works we see a desire of power to control their respected situations. 1984 sought for the control of society whereas The Glass Menagerie sought for the control of the Wingfield future. The power of memory is existential to the human ability of perceiving the present. George Orwell’s 1984 and Tennessee Williams’ The Glass Menagerie manipulate memory in such a similar fashion that their functions of truth are nearly identical concerning their purpose. In 1984 truth is functioned against society for the sake of â€Å"Big Brother†and the inner-parties agenda through dehumanization. Similarly, Orwell uses Amanda’s character in The Glass Menagerie to demonstrate the importance of memory and how one’s own deception of truth can distort their reality dramatically. Both pieces of work complement one another and solidify the case that memory or a deceitful memory for that matter is vulnerable to exploitation and the effects can be substantial in regard to one’s sense of actuality.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Netflix Case Study - 2880 Words
Abstract The following is a case study of Netflix, Inc. an American-based company that provides the streaming of online media to consumers in North America, South America, and parts of Europe. This case study will provide a brief overview of the company’s history along with four present-day challenges that the company will face as it tries to stay ahead of the competition. In its discussion of the present-day challenges that Netflix, Inc. faces the discussion will also relate the proposed challenges to the managerial challenges of globalization, diversity, and ethics. After each of the four anticipated challenges have been addressed then this paper will provide an analysis of the steps that Netflix, Inc. has already taken to keep the†¦show more content†¦For Netflix, Inc. the major focus of this challenge would be staying ahead of the technology curve. Researchers for the organization must always keep an eye out for innovative technologies that are emerging in the consumer mar ket. It may even be wise for the organization to research various companies that are on the verge of launching new media devices so that a contract can be made prior to the introduction of the product. For example, currently there is no specific device developed to allow the streaming of online media in the backseat of a car. If a company were to develop such a device then it would be beneficial for Netflix, Inc. to go into contract with that company so that its media-streaming service could be accessed from the car. Growing competition as a challenge represents the various companies that are now entering the market of online media-streaming. Companies such as HBO, Amazon, Google, and Hulu Plus have all began to offer media-streaming on the same electronic devices as Netflix, Inc. Currently Netflix, Inc. remains in the lead amongst its competitors; however, there is no guarantee that this advancement is a permanent one. It is inevitable that emerging companies will come up with creative ideas to gain the competitive edge and receive more consumers. For example, has â€Å"amplifiedShow MoreRelatedCase Study : Netflix And Netflix1031 Words  | 5 Pages Case Study Netflix started in 1998 when a guy named Reed Hastings was tired of being charged late fees for keeping a rental movie. â€Å"Netflix would have no late fees; users could keep the movies as long as they wanted†(Grewal, Levy, 57). Netflix depended on on the Internet to take customers requests for rental discs because they had no brick-and-mortar stores. In 2002, Netflix had 1 million customers, in 2006, they had a 5 million customers, and in 2010, a whopping 14 million customers. CustomersRead MoreNetflix Case Study1171 Words  | 5 PagesImpact of horizontal and vertical conflict to Netflix Horizontal and vertical conflict has a great impact on Netflix. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020
My Criteria for Film Evaluation Essay - 926 Words
My Criteria for Film Evaluation There are three major standards through which I decide whether or not I will watch a film: reputation, and genre. Reputation is inclusive of friends and ratings of the film. Usually my friends and I have similar tastes and we are aroused or repulsed by the same films. Reputation is a strong and stable standard for deciding which film to go to, because with such a large population of movie watchers, major biases dont affect the reputation and ratings are fair and accurate. Also, people are inclined to give high ratings to movies that touch them or really make them think regardless†¦show more content†¦I have also noticed the exact opposite pattern with people who watch feel good movies. It gives them motivation to strive for a life such as the ones they have seen, a goal perhaps. Indeed, the feel good movies may be oppressive in a sense people strive for unrealistic living, something that may not ever happen, but it is always comparatively better to strive for something and n ever reach it, than to never strive at all. That is why I love feel good movies. I recently watched The Pursuit of Happyness. It was a feel good movie about a man who had nothing and how even his nothing declined to just himself and his son. His apartment got taken away, his wife left him, and even after he started to live in a motel, it got taken away also, all because of a lack of money. He worked hard selling useless pieces of equipment that a very small population of buyers would want. He walked countless miles to each buyer each day at a potential shot at buying his merchandise. He made bare minimum and sometimes couldnt give enough food to his son. But through all the change, one thing stayed constant, the pursuit of happiness. 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