Tuesday, December 24, 2019
How Lord of the Flies Relates to the Story of Rebecca...
Lord of the Flies and the tormented Florida girl Bullying has been a factor of too many teenage deaths, especially Rebecca Sedwick. Rebecca Sedwick is your ordinary teenage girl, until one an a half years ago when it all began. Sedwick has been stalked for quite a while by two teenage girls on the Internet. This story of Sedwick ties into the story of The Lord of the Flies. These two stories show hate, harassment, and mistreatment against one person. In this situation, Sedwick was being tormented and stalked by two of her former classmates on Facebook, however this whole dispute all started over a boy that the former student of Sedwick dated and so did Sedwick. One of the girls was upset that Sedwick had once dated her current boyfriend and began bullying and harassing her more than a year ago when they both were students at Crystal Lake Middle School. In addition to harassing Sedwick with messages over the Internet, the girl physically attacked Sedwick at least once. The girl also recruited her former best friend to bully Sedwick herself. The suspect and Sedwick did have a falling out over the boy, and there was some â€Å" back and forth†at school between the former friends. The suspect had been friends with the victim, but they had a falling out. Sedwick had also been suspended at one point for fighting with a girl who used to be friends with Sedwick. Furthermore, as the bullies kept harassing Sedwick with messages by stating, â€Å"Why dont you go kill yourselfâ€
Monday, December 16, 2019
Hank Williams Free Essays
Hiram King Williams, also known as Hank Williams, was born on September 17, 1923 in Mount Olive, Alabama. His dad was Lon Williams, a locomotive engineer. His mom was Lillie Williams, a church organist. We will write a custom essay sample on Hank Williams or any similar topic only for you Order Now Hank spent most of his childhood in Georgiana and Greenville, Alabama. Hank Williams was a key person in the development of modern country music. He caused a shift in country music from a regional, rural phenomenon to a nationwide, urban acceptance in the late 1940’s. He turned â€Å"hillbilly†music into country music. He became interested in music at a very early age. He learned to play the organ from his mother. He could also play the harmonica. His mother gave him his first guitar when he was eight. His father walked out on the family when Hank was a young child. It became the responsibility of his mother to raise Hank and his siblings. She was a very strong willed woman. He attended Sidney Hanier High School in Montgomery. He quit school when he was 16 years old. He was raised as a fundamentalist Baptist. The music and sermons from his childhood had influenced him. â€Å"My earliest memory†Rolling Stone writer Ralph J. Gleason (as quoted by William’s biographer Colin Escott) â€Å"is sittin’ on that organ stool by her and hollerin’. I must have been five, six years old and louder’n anybody else. †In 1937, Hank’s mother opened a boarding house in Montgomery. Hank helped the family income by shining shoes, selling newspapers, and peanuts on the street. This is where he met Rufus Payne, a black man, known as Tee-Tot. He taught Hank to play the guitar. He would follow him around on the street begging him to teach him to play. He would pay him 15 cents or whatever he had for a lesson. Payne also helped him overcome his shyness. He is the one that the blues influence came from. He made his very first radio performance at the age of thirteen. He formed his first band when he was fourteen years old. I was called Hank Williams and his Drifting Cowboys. He began wearing cowboy hats and western clothes. He sang without amplification and above the sounds of the band. He developed a full throated style of singing. It was similar to Roy Acuff from the Grand Ole Opry. Hank was turned down for the military service because of his back problems. Near the end of the war he began pursuing his musical career again. He started performing at dances nd local events. He also started playing at â€Å"honky tonks†. These were rough and rowdy beer joints that the city’s new comers went to. Williams began abusing alcohol. This problem haunted him the rest of his life. It was partly because of him trying to self medicate the terrible back pain that was caused by a congenital spine disorder. When Hank was 20 years old he met Audrey Mae Sheppard. She was a single mother and separated from her husband. She and Hank married after her divorce was final. They were married by a justice of the peace at a gas station near Andalusic, Alabama in December 1944. They had a child Hank Williams, Jr. in 1949. Hank and Audrey visited Nashville to meet Fred Rose, the head of Acuff-Rose Publishing. The meeting resulted in the recording of â€Å"Never Again†and â€Å"Honky Tonkin’†. This led to signing a contract with MJM. Rose became his manager and record producer. â€Å"Lovesick Blues†became Hank’s trademark tune. It began with a yodel. It spent a year on the charts, including sixteen weeks at the top. He suddenly found himself on a roll. He quickly recorded two more songs, including â€Å"Mind Your Own Business†. They say this song was aimed at his wife. Audrey began to push for more of her own spot in the stardom as he became more famous. They had recorded several sets and she had played with the band some. It was said that her voice was shrill and tuneless. They also said that she didn’t have a very good sense of time. In 1950, he had more successful songs. He also released a series of religious songs with his wife. He used his connections to get a recording contract for her with DECCA. They were not as successful. H recorded his religious narrations talking blues under the name â€Å"Luke the Drifter†. Luke the Drifter walked with Hank Williams and talked through him. These recordings were the closest Hank Williams came to bearing his soul. Hank’s musical career was very successful, but his personal life was falling apart. This was mostly caused by his alcohol abuse that was intensified by his rocky relationship with his wife. This found its way into the words of his songs about heartache, heartbreak, and the break- up of relationships. Hank and Audrey divorced in 1952. As he began to earn more money and spend longer periods of time away from home he began to drink more frequently. While on a hunting trip in Tennessee, he tripped and fell re-hurting his back. He began taking morphine and other painkillers to help control the pain. He quickly became addicted. Following a short tour in Texas, Hank, returned to Montgomery in December to rest before going to Canton, Ohio on January 1, 1953. He was scheduled to play in Canton. Charles, a friend and his driver, was stopped for speeding on their way to Canton. The police officer saw Hank in the car and thought he looked like a dead man. He was then taken to a West Virginia hospital and was declared dead at 7:00 a. . He had died in the back seat of a Cadillac on his way to the concert. He was buried three days later in Montgomery. There was a record crowd attending. His last single released before he died was â€Å"I’ll Never Get Out of This World Alive†. It reached number one immediately after his death. In 1953, they continued to release his records that hit number one including â€Å"Your Cheatin’ Heart†Hank Williams was a recording artist for only 6 years and recorded 66 songs under his name (more under Luke the Drifter and with Audrey). Out of the 66 songs 37 of these were hits. Bibliography http://www.allmusic.com/artist/hank-williams-p138231/biography http://britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/644353/Hank-Williams?sections=644353 How to cite Hank Williams, Essay examples
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Case Study - Research Method free essay sample
Case studies are an important research method in areas where innovations are studied. They enable us to study contemporary and complex social phenomena in their natural context. Over the years researchers working from both epistemological perspectives have addressed important methodological issues. A case study is expected to capture the complexity of a single case, and the methodology which enables this has developed not only in the social sciences, such as psychology, sociology, anthropology, and economics, but also in practice-oriented fields such as environmental studies, business studies, social work and Counselling. Explains that there are four questions which are basic elements of any research process. What methods do we propose to use? What methodology governs our choice and use of methods? What theoretical perspective lies behind the methodology in question? What epistemology informs this theoretical perspective? This paper is written to present the case study as a research approach, showing that its characterization is not an easy task, due mainly to its many different approaches and applications. In order to demonstrate its application, I have indicated its most common advantages and disadvantages, stressing the important role played by the researcher, who must be careful about generalizations. Soy (1997) The case study approach refers to a group of methods which emphasize qualitative analysis Yin, (1984, p. 23) simplifies it as, data collected from a small number of associations through methods such as participant-observation, in-depth interviews, and longitudinal studies. The essence of case study methodology is triangulation, the combination on different levels of techniques, methods, strategies, or theories. Crotty (1998, p. 5) explains that research conducted using the data collection method of participant observation, is one of many theoretical perspectives which exemplify a constructionist epistemology. Yin (1984, p. 23) clarifies that case studies are conducted from the positivist as well as from the interpretist epistemological perspective. What is a Case Study? A case study is a research methodology common in social science. Stake (1998, p. 7) points out that â€Å"As a form of research, case study is defined by interest in individual cases, not by the methods of inquiry used†. He goes on to explain that the methods of investigation are not what’s crucial to case study research, but that the object of study is a ‘case’. Skate (1978, p. 5) states that â€Å"case studies will often be the preferred method of research because they may be epistemologically in harmony with the readers experience and thus to that person a natural basis for generalization†The term CASE STUDY is used in a variety of ways: 1. As an alternative to experimental (scientific) and quantitative (positivist) methods. 2. As an intensive investigation of single situations which serve to identify and describe basic phenomena. 3. Focusing on individuals perceptions of given educational phenomena, carried out largely by means of interviews. 4. As a study which is almost entirely qualitative in methodology and presentation. 5. As a type of ethnographic research, incorporating participant observation, qualitative observation and field study. (Ethnographic studies are those that take place within a definable cultural setting). Yin (2003) in Hayes (2006) The Wikipedia gives Thomas’s (2011) definition as: Case studies are analyses of persons, events, decisions, periods, projects, policies, institutions, or other systems that are studied holistically by one or more methods. The case that is the subject of the inquiry will be an instance of a class of phenomena that provides an analytical frame an object within which the study is conducted and which the case illuminates and explicates. Thomas’s (2011) . Yin (1984, p. 23) defines the case study research method as an â€Å"empirical inquiry that investigates a contemporary phenomenon within its real-life context; when the boundaries between phenomenon and context are not clearly evident; and in which multiple sources of evidence are used†. He explains that case studies are conducted from the positivist as well as from the interpretist epistemological perspective, and places more emphasis on the ‘method’ and the ‘techniques’ that constitute a case study. The case study approach seeks to understand the problem being investigated. â€Å"It provides the opportunity to ask penetrating questions and to capture the richness of organizational behaviour, but the conclusions drawn may be specific to the particular organizations studied and may not be generalizable†Yin (1984, p. 23) Case studies are characterised by the following a. Data are usually qualitative rather than quantitative. It’s not that the numbers are unimportant but that they are relatively insignificant to the outcome. b. Data are not manipulated (the truth is told plainly). The issue of what ‘truth’ means is then raised. c. Studies mainly focus on single cases (but can include multiple ones). d. Ambiguity in observation and report is tolerated (rather than absolute outcomes). This means that there may not be clinical, clearly defined solutions. e. Multiple perspectives are sought. This means that the opinions and perceptions of many people may be requested. f. Holism (the sum of the parts is greater than the whole) is advocated. This means that the greater the range of data, the better. g. A search for understanding (for example, by reference to context or history) rather than mere explanation. Kenny Groteleuschen (1984) Yin (1993) has identified some specific types of case studies: Exploratory, Explanatory, and Descriptive. Stake (1998) included three others: intrinsic, instrumental and collective. An intrinsic case study is typically undertaken to learn about a unique phenomenon. The researcher should define the uniqueness of the phenomenon, which distinguishes it from all others. In contrast, the instrumental case study uses a particular case (some of which may be better than others) to gain a broader appreciation of an issue or phenomenon. History of the Case study It is generally believed that the case-study method was first introduced into social science by Frederic Le Play in 1829 as a handmaiden to statistics in his studies of family budgets. Les Ouvriers Europeens (1879) in . The use of case studies for the creation of new theory in social sciences has been further developed by the sociologists Barney Glaser and Anselm Strauss who presented their research method, Grounded theory, in 1967. The popularity of case studies in testing hypotheses has developed only in recent decades. Case studies have also been used as a teaching method and as part of professional development, especially in business and legal education. The problem-based learning (PBL) movement is such an example. When used in (non-business) education and professional development and are often referred to as critical incidents. Advantages of a Case Study †¢Case studies allow a lot of detail to be collected. Normally this would not be easily obtained by other research designs. The collected data is normally of a greater depth and a lot richer than can be found through other experimental designs. †¢Case studies tend to be conducted on rare cases where large samples of similar participants are not available. As an example, to be able to gain knowledge of brain functions, this can only generally be done through case studies. †¢Within the case study, scientific experiments can be conducted. Case studies can help experimenters adapt ideas and produce novel hypotheses which can be used for later testing. †¢Knowledge! A lot of the research obtained through case studies is invaluable. Disadvantages of a Case Study †¢One of the main criticisms is that the data collected cannot necessarily be generalised to the wider population. This means that a lot of the data being collected is not always relevant or particularly useful. †¢Some case studies are not scientific. There have been quite a few case studies that are not scientific nor are they able to be generalised. Some of the case studies that Freud used for many of his theories or studies were not scientific. †¢Case studies are generally on one person, but there also tends to only be one experimenter collecting the data. Results can sometimes be influenced by the bias of the data collector, which is more applicable to case studies, than in different designs. †¢It is also very difficult to draw a definite cause/effect from case studies. Case studies also tend to collect mainly qualitative data. This has been put as neither an advantage or disadvantage, depending on the individual’s stance on qualitative data. Advantages and Disadvantages of Case Study Research (2013) Many well-known case study researchers such as Robert E. Stake, Robert K. Yin and Gary Thomas, have written about case study research and recommended techniques for organizing and conducting the research successfully. They suggest the six steps that should be used are: †¢Determine and define the research questions †¢Select the cases and determine data gathering and analysis techniques †¢Prepare to collect the data †¢Collect data in the field †¢Evaluate and analyse the data †¢Prepare the report Conclusion A case study can accomplish many of the same goals as other methods. For example, the case study can be exploratory (create new knowledge), constructive (solve some problem), or confirmatory (test a hypothesis with empirical evidence). The case study can also use either a primary (the researcher collects the data) or secondary (the researcher uses someone elses data) approach. Case study research can be based on any mix of quantitative and qualitative approaches. An important strength of case studies is the ability to undertake an investigation into a phenomenon in its context. It is important not to confuse case studies with ethnographic and other strictly qualitative research paradigms. Typically, it uses multiple data sources including direct detailed observations, interviews, and documents. Stake (1998, p. 7) states â€Å"Case studies are likely to continue to be popular because of their style and to be useful for exploration for those who search for explanatory laws. And, moreover, because of the universality and importance of experiential understanding, and because of their compatibility with such understanding, case studies can be expected to continue to have an epistemological advantage over other inquiry methods as a basis for naturalistic generalization†. Case studies are a valuable way of looking at the world around us. References The Advantages and Disadvantages of Case Study Research www. ukessays. com/essays/psychology/the-advantages-and-disadvantages-of-case-study-research-psychology-essay. php#ixzz2RC7oeWP6 accessed 9 May 2013 Crotty, M. (1998) The foundations of social science research:meaning and perspective in the research process,New SouthWales, Allen and Uwi Gorard, G. (2004). Combining methods in educational and social research. Berkshire: Open University Press Hayes,D. (2006) Faculty of Education, University of Plymouth, History of a case study . Accessed 8th May 2013 Kenny R. W. Groteleuschen A. D. (1984). ‘Making the Case for Case Study’ Journal of Curriculum studies, 16, pp. 37-31 Mertens, D. M. (2005). Research methods in education and psychology: Integrating diversity with quantitative and qualitative approaches. (2nd ed. ) Thousand Oaks: Sage. Soy, S K. (1997). The case study as a research method. Unpublished paper, University of Texas at Austin. Stake, R. E. (1978). The case study method in social inquiry. Educational Researcher 7: 5-8 Stake, Robert. (1995). The Art of case study Research. Thousand Oaks, London, Sage. Stake, Robert. (1998). â€Å"Case Studies†in: Norman Denzin Yvonna Lincoln. (eds. ): Strategies of Qualitative Inquiry. Thousand Oaks, London, New Delhi: Sage. Thomas, G (2011) A typology for the case study in social science following a review of definition, discourse and structure. Qualitative Inquiry, 17, 6, 511-521 . Yin, R. (1984,1989, 1994,2009). Case study research: Design and methods (1st ed. ). Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publishing. Yin, R. (199). Applications of case study research. Newbury Park, CA: Sage
Saturday, November 30, 2019
The Bloodcurdling Spirit Of Humanity Feeding Off Essay Example For Students
The Bloodcurdling Spirit Of Humanity: Feeding Off Essay Greed Many people believe that, we humans are the greatest animal on this earth: Humans are able to think for themselves, create inventions for the necessities of life, and have wants and needs to push them foreword. It is told that the human brain and soul far surpasses any other animal in the universe (I never believed this), unlike other animals like lions and wild dogs, humans arent savages. In the novel The Pearl, author Steinbeck uses the interactions of the protagonist, Kino with his world to examine the magnificently horrifying traits of humanity. Kino first interacts with the doctor when Coyotito (Kinos first born son) is attacked by a vicious scorpion and is poisoned. Kino begs the doctor to cure his son, but has no money; therefore, the doctor shuts him out coldly. We will write a custom essay on The Bloodcurdling Spirit Of Humanity: Feeding Off specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now leaving Kinos son with death waiting for him around the corner. Later, Kino finds the pearl of the world and it is believed to be valued greatly. The doctor takes great interest in the pearl and decides to help Kino due to greed. The doctor even poisons Coyotito even more with white powder, so the doctor can come back to cure Coyotito and charge Kino expensively. (How cruel is that?) Kino then has to sell his pearl for money and he arrives to his second interaction with the pearl buyers. When Kino meets the pearl buyers, many conflicts arise. The pearl buyers try to deceive Kino of his pearl and explain that his pearl is valueless. They all work together to set-up the perfect situation to influence Kino to sell the pearl for a small amount, so they can give it to their boss. Kino is much lower-class then them and can barely live with the profit he gains from his pearl hunting job, yet the pearl buyers have no care for him and they dont even offer him an average amount for his pearl. Kino suspects this, so he decides to go elsewhere to obtain a greater amount for his pearl. Now, Kino awaits even more conflicts while he has to protect his pearl from heartless thieves. Kino faces thieves who want to strip him of the pearl which can save his life and earn an education doe Coyotito. Find the pearl was a once in a lifetime event and Kino is over-joyed by finding it. The thieves ruin his mind and forces him to be ready for anything: Kino isnt even safe in his own home anymore. He has to hide his own possession, the pearl and watch out for thieves lurking around the corner. Kino cant even sleep correct anymore and wanders through the darkness searching for neighbors who wants to take his pearl. These evil stealers are cold-blooded and would even take a mans dream to earn some money for themselves. These pick-picketers are taking from their own kind, ruining anothers life just to benefit their own. Many people still believe that humans are the greatest animals in the universe. This is not correct at all: many traits of a human are heartless. Kinos conflicts with the doctor, the pearl buyers, and the thieves implies how greed takes over, destroying the human spirit and heart. It all leads to one question, How can the greatest animal be willing to destroy their own kind just to benefit themselves in anyway? Greed is a trait that humans have and it is disgusting. .
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Muscle Growth essays
Muscle Growth essays With the introduction of such modern conveniences such as the automobile, remote control, and even the electric toothbrush people are relying on technology to do everything for them. With a generation growing up in todays society physical tasks have almost become obsolete. Tasks such as even going shopping and going out to visit a friend can be done from the comfort of your own computer. With this lifestyle, muscular size will almost be unnecessary, except for the athlete who wants to succeed in sports. To the non-athlete, there will be no reason to leave the house because everything will be at your fingertips. Any type of exercise is good for the body and muscles. Muscle growth is essential if you want to look better, feel better, and perform everyday tasks such as walking to the car, and getting out of bed easier. A person who is in shape will also sleep better then an out of shape person, and feel more revitalized in the morning (Williams). Muscles account for approximately 35% of the body weight in women, and about 45% of the body weight in men. With over 600 muscles covering the human skeleton muscles give the body bulk and form. Then human body contains millions of muscle fibers whose coordinated contraction cause the whole muscle to contract (Lebowski). Muscles are the foundation on which our bodies are built. Without muscles our bodies could not perform the simplest tasks such as opening our eyes, talking, breathing and even the pumping of our heart or the most difficult tasks, such as running the hurdles in a track and field event. Muscles are also important to maintain balance and posture (Lebowski). In the body there are several types of muscles that control different functions in the body. One of these types being skeletal muscle. Skeletal muscle is the most evident in the human body due to it having the most mass the other types of muscles and that it lies directly under the skin attached to the skeleton by t...
Friday, November 22, 2019
Homeschool Planning and Organizational Tips
Homeschool Planning and Organizational Tips With the fresh start of a new year, January is a prime time for focusing on planning and organizing. This is true for homeschooling families, as well. This round-up of planning and organizing articles will help you prune time-wasters and become a master planner in your homeschool. How to Write a Homeschooling Philosophy Statement Learning how to write a homeschooling philosophy statement is an often over-looked, but logical first step in homeschooling planning and organization. If you have a clear picture of why you’re homeschooling and what you hope to accomplish, it’s much easier to figure out how to get there. A philosophy statement can also be helpful for parents of teens in explaining to colleges what your student has learned in your homeschool. This article offers a peek into the authors personal homeschool philosophy statement to give you a model for your own. How to Write Homeschool Lesson Plans If you still dont quite have a handle on the hows and whys of homeschool lesson planning, dont miss this article. It outlines several scheduling options and basic methods of lesson planning. It also features practical tips for writing realistic lesson plans that will allow plenty of room for flexibility. Homeschool Daily Schedules Get yourself and your kids organized in the new year by refining your homeschool daily schedule. Whether you prefer detailed plans or simply a predictable daily routine, these scheduling tips take into account your familys schedule and your kids peak productivity times. Homeschool schedules are as varied as the families they represent, so there is no right or wrong schedule. However, these tips can help you to work out the most effective schedule for your unique family. Teach Kids Organization With a Homeschool Schedule Daily schedules arent just for homeschooling parents. They are an excellent resource for teaching kids organizational and time management skills that they can use throughout their lives. The freedom and flexibility of homeschooling allows kids the opportunity to practice structuring their day and managing their time while under the guidance of their parents. Learn how to create a homeschool schedule for your students and the benefits of doing so. 4 Steps to Writing Your Own Unit Studies You may want to work on planning your own unit studies in the upcoming year. Doing so is not as intimidating as it may sound and can actually be quite enjoyable. This article outlines four practical steps for writing your own topical studies based on your kids’ interests. It includes scheduling tips to help you get the most out of each unit without overwhelming yourself or your kids. Spring Cleaning Tips for Homeschool Parents These 5 spring cleaning tips are also perfect for a mid-year organizational purge. Discover practical tips for dealing with all the papers, projects, books, and supplies that homeschooling families tend to accumulate over the year. A January purge may be just what you need to start the second semester clutter-free and focused. 10 Homeschool Support Group Topic Ideas If you’re a leader in your local homeschool group, chances are your New Year planning will include outings and events for your homeschool group. This article offers 10 support group topic ideas, including several that will be applicable in the first few months of the new year, including: Identifying and coping with learning strugglesOvercoming – or avoiding – homeschool burnoutCombating spring feverHow to wrap up your homeschool year Homeschool Field Trips Whether you’re planning field trips for your homeschool group or just for your family, this planning article is a must-read. It outlines practical tip for stress-free planning and offers field trip destination suggestions that will appeal to a wide variety of student ages and interests. If you’re like the majority of the population, this is the time of year that you’re focused on planning and organizing for the fresh start of a new year. Don’t overlook the opportunity to do so for the fresh start of your next homeschool semester!
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Research and Practice Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Research and Practice - Assignment Example From the above explanations, it is clear that research and practice revolves around adult learning. The basics adult learning and research rely on four major areas, which include experiential learning, self-directed learning, learning to learn, and critical reflection (Brookfield, 1995). On a personal point of view, reflective teaching and action research will greatly improve personal skills in teaching. This will in turn improve development students through effective teaching in class leading improved overall performance for both the teacher and the students. Teacher research will unite the practical and theory that is mostly associated with the practice of teaching. Action research involves five major steps, which as a practicing teacher prove to be very helpful. These steps involve planning, then taking into action, carrying out observation, reflecting on the outcome and finally re-planning on a more effective strategy (Kemmis & McTaggart, 1990). It is common for teachers involved in carrying out action research frequently raise their issues and observations reflecting their teaching and their students’ progress. Research therefore enables teachers and educators have an overview of problems and issues affecting their collective areas of interest. Action research therefore, helps teachers be in tune with their students prompting for improved classroom engagement between teacher and
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Standard Of Monopolized The Oil Industry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Standard Of Monopolized The Oil Industry - Essay Example Buying Competitors Though most of Standard Oil’s takeovers aimed at gaining competitive advantage, they also benefitted the acquired company too. Rockefeller and his partners gained confidence from the competitors through wide-ranging volunteer association. Standard Oil also offered the former executives, of the acquired companies, high positions in the new company and was assured parity in management and was assimilated into the management because they were experienced and were well acquainted with the oil industry and local markets (Montague 76-81). The Standard Oil trust comprised of different companies in the industry which attained competitive advantage and maintained an even competition among the members. Rockefeller perceived the buyouts of the other refineries in Cleveland as foreseeable. He is quoted noting â€Å"the battle of the new idea of cooperation against competition†(Montague 52). In his mind, huge industrial amalgamations referred to as monopolies wou ld substitute competition and individualism in the oil industry. Rockefeller used hardball tactics to buy out the competitors. In 1874, the company started purchasing new oil pipeline networks. This assisted the company to amputate the flow of oil to the other companies that Rockefeller wanted to acquire. When a competing company made efforts to build a rival pipeline across Pennsylvania, Standard Oil purchased the land along the way to barricade the way. In the end, Standard Oil obtained control of all the pipelines within the nation. Notably, Standard Oil had attained full control of 90 percent of United States refining companies (Montague 176) Discounted Shipping Rates In order to attain a competitive advantage over its competitors, Standard Oil surreptitiously organized for reduced shipping rates from railroads. This aimed at reducing the average costs incurred by the company. Rockefeller had a fascination for efficiency that was unparalleled.
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Femicide in Guatemala Essay Example for Free
Femicide in Guatemala Essay Femicide in Guatemala â€Å"Six women and girls were killed in Guatemala last week in one day alone. Two of the girls, about 6 and 12 years old, were found strangled to death in a street in the capital Guatemala City wearing their pajamas†(Moloney 1). Guatemala has the third highest rate of Femicide in the world. Femicide is defined as the killing of a woman by a man because she is a female. In Guatemala, a significantly high number of femicide cases have been reported and I strongly believe that this is a very troublesome and unhealthy issue for the population. More than 3800 females have been murdered in Guatemala since the year 2000 and this is just the official number. This clearly suggests that numerous innocent women are tortured and killed by men each day throughout the region. Another report suggests that 512 women were killed between January 1 and October 16 in the year 2012 alone and this is after a 10 percent decline from the previous year. (PCUSA, 1) Most of these cases were reported in the province of Guatemala, which includes the country’s largest city and capital. The fact that this number is still so high despite the drop suggests what an urgent issue this is. There are various reasons for this violent victimization of women throughout Guatemala and is becoming an increasingly pressing issue which needs serious attention. It has been reported that this region is one of the unsafe areas in the world for women. Each day countless women are raped, mutated, forced into sexual slavery and abortions, sterilized and murdered. This creates a sense of fear among the entire population and makes them more submissive to this brutality. Men and women throughout the country live their lives in immense anxiety and stress of losing the women that they love. One of the main concerns regarding femicide is impunity, meaning that most of these cases are not brought to trial. Reports suggest that only 1%-2% of femicide cases are prosecuted whereas criminals have a 98% to 99% chance of completely escaping any punishment or prosecution. This poses a huge problem because women don’t get the justice that they deserve and criminals easily escape. This is very unfair for the innocent women who are victims of such crimes because their offenders don’t receive the punishment that they deserve. Another main reason for this exigent issue is the inability of the Guatemalan authorities to ensure the safety of women. This is to say that the Guatemalan government is so corrupt that they are unable to provide security for women and with the extremely high rate of impunity it is almost impossible for women to find justice. Now, it is very important to understand why these gender specific crimes exist in the region. One of the main reasons for this violent targeting of women goes back to the â€Å"Guatemalan government and military’s 36 year old genocidal counterinsurgency campaign against the country’s Mayan population†(Mychalejko 1). This is to say that the reason behind this problem of femicide exists to destroy the intricate social bonds of Mayan communities. Additionally, â€Å"Gender violence not only terrorizes women in the community, but it also disrupts traditional patriarchal gender relations by sending the message to men that they are not capable of protecting women†(Mychalejko 1). I find this medium of using gender violence to target an indigenous population very disappointing. It is not ethical for a population to kill thousands of women in order to get even with a community. Further, it is believed that this harsh behavior against women is really effecting the male population because such incidents happen so frequently that they are becoming insensitive to such incidents. Men in the Guatemalan society have become normalized to such reports and this can be seen because the crimes are continuing to become more inhumane and frequent. As mentioned above, one of the primary reasons for this ongoing violence against women is the Guatemalan Civil war, which left behind harsh memories of violence and impunity. The increased militarization cause by the ongoing war on drugs also continues to contribute to these high femicide rates. Guatemala is one of the regions strongly involved in the drug trade and thus women are used as collateral damage in the battle between gangs. Additionally, the economic and political climate in the region is not very stable and thus the land a resource conflict also contributes to these innocent deaths. Lastly, it has also been found that the increased involvement of foreign governments, especially US and Canada play an important role in this violence targeted to women. Basically, the Guatemalan government uses the targeting of women as a â€Å"tactical and deliberate tool of political repression (Mychalejko 2). In my personal opinion, not only is this very disturbing but it is also very unfair. Women play an important role in building a society and this unnecessary violence against them is very alarming. Using women as a bait to target the bigger economic and political issues is unethical and should not be practiced by any government. It is impossible for women to find hope and justice in a society where such high impunity exists. This continues to be a never-ending cycle for thousands of innocent women who lose their lives, while the people responsible are let free. Overall this is an absolute shame and mockery of the system. The Guatemalan civil war really contributes to these high rates of gender violence in the country. The aftermath of the war left more than 200,000 Guatemalans murdered, most of who were indigenous. Also, thousands were raped, tortured, disappeared and displaced. The most disappointing part however, is that over 98 percent of the people who engaged in these war crimes were left free. It is this lack of justice that left criminals in the country in power and innocent victims hurt. Therefore, these high rates of femicide are to inform the local population about this harsh past and to remind them that justice has not yet come. In conclusion, I think that we must all focus our attention to this increasing issue of femicide in Guatemala. In the recent times, as the political repression against women in increasing, they are becoming more active in order to prevent femicide. For example, â€Å"In Guatemala it has been proven that as more women participate politically and socially, it brings out more repression. An example is the recent attempt on the life of [the aforementioned anti-mining activist] Yolanda Oqueli†(Mychalejko 3). Yolanda is a leader of FRENAM, a movement that aims to defend land from expansion activities. She was returning home from a peaceful protest when she was shot. I believe that this issue of femicide is one that needs immediate attention. It is absolutely wrong and immoral to use a country’s women as a way of gaining political control. Additionally, the Guatemalan government is extremely corrupted and has a very high rate of impunity, which in turn, allows criminals to go free and possibly even commit the crime again. I suggest that the citizens of the world acknowledge this and do an intervention throughout the region. It is high time that women not be used as a bait to target men or to settle past scores. Women are an integral part of any society and deserve respect and security.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Women and Amory Blaine Essay -- Literary Analysis, Fitzgerald
Women in F. Scott Fitzgerald's first published piece This Side of Paradise , riddle the life of its main character, Amory Blaine. Despite his charm and his sense of confidence Amory fails, at least within the timeline of the text, to maintain a steady relationship. What Amory does achieve by the end is the conclusion that his generation is lost and that all he knows is himself. This is a serious change in philosophy from the beginning, where Amory believes he has the ability to master anything and anybody. Considering Amory has at least five loves within this philosophical development it seems likely that at least some of these lovers greatly influenced his final conclusions on himself and on the world. Thus, the question becomes not only how but which one of these women made the strongest impression on Amory and his verdict on the world? Three of those women will be examined here. Before diving in looking at these women and their influence on Amory it's important to first understand where Amory ends up in order to backtrack and pick up the clues that led him there. At the end of the text Amory proclaims in a rather dramatic fashion, â€Å"I know myself...but that is all†(213). His sense of himself is all that he feels he can truly understand. The outside world is alien to him and full of uncertainty. When Amory contemplates at the end on the situation of his own generation he concludes that they are set adrift, wrenched from the foundations that once held culture down solidly. â€Å"A new generation...grown up to find all Gods dead, all wars fought, all faiths in man shaken...†(213). Now compare these perceptions to his original conceptions of the world. As in the section, â€Å"Code of the Young Egotist†, where Amory invisions himself as... ...Amory's life, he is notâ€â€so to speakâ€â€in love with her but he does become attached to her. Simply because they can role play comfortably together. She concludes the fragmentation of Amory's reality by causing him to recognize the fragmentation of thought when she accuses him of disregarding the subjective nature of the concept of 'goodness'. Amory has understood himself as 'good' with the pieces of reality that he possess's or more likely, is willing to recognize. Thus, when Amory cries, â€Å"I know myself...but that is all†(213), he has finally realized the extent of the fragmentation of the world that surrounds him. Each woman led him down certain routes that further developed, and by that I mean tore down, his final conceptions of reality. He is no longer a forming force in the world but a being at subject to the whims of infinite realities that make up the world.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Literacy Narrative Unit Reflection Essay
Literacy narrative can be described as a narrative from a first person perspective. This narrative would be based on experiences the writer faces regardless in any face of his or her life. Reflecting on the literacy narrative I was given to complete, there were parts where I struggled to write and there were also parts I breezed through easily. To start off, I had struggled in making sure there were no errors in the process of me composing my narrative. With the advantage of making and submitting a draft prior to submitting the final paper, several grammatical corrections and sentence improvements was done and perfected to the highest extent possible. Another struggle I faced was the emotional impact it had on me as I recalled every bitter moment from my past experience dealing with literacy. Time was also an addition to my struggle since I am working 9 hours a day as part of my internship and at the same time I had only one week to complete the draft and three other assignments for the class. Time management was a crucial aspect in the process of completing my literacy narrative. The part where I breezed to easily was the writing out everything that came to mind. I never faced the problem to describe every event that I experienced in words. To further make my literacy narrative perfect, additional time would have helped extensively since it was a very word dense assignment. I’ve done several literacy narratives in the past in both the languages I am familiar with which is English and Malay. What made this literacy narrative different from the rest was the type of feedback I had from my draft. Every feedback given to me was helpful and had provided me the picture of the message that Mr. Krueger, my English professor was trying to convey to me. In the past, my experiences with feedback were rather vague or unclear due to the level of English proficiency my school teachers had. In the completion of my literacy narrative, the discussions that was assigned to the class really helped the whole process of writing. This was because all the discussions were based on literacy narratives from the textbook, thus this gave me a rough idea on how a literacy narrative should be.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
^^Culture in England
England is a exciting country to visit and it also has a lot of interesting things to do such as : visit some beautiful beaches , go skiing , visit some famous places to see a beautiful views . If you like countryside view , you can visit other small cities without London , you would enjoy the fresh air and pretty natural views . 1 Tourism In England If you want to go traveling or have a relax holiday , England is a good choice because it has many famous places which you should visit . Now I'm going to introduce to you mom famous places in England: * Tower Bridge : is one of the most attractive place to visit .If you visit London , you should visit Tower Bridge because it's like a important icon or view in London . If you don't visit tower bridge , your holiday in Uk won't be wonderful and very waste of your experiences in Uk . It was built in 1894 by 50 architects and designers entered a competition to design a bridge . It took 8 years to built and 432 people – who did hard w orking to built . When you stand from high – level walkways , you would see a underfed view of London and you also can gain a great understanding how life would been of a bridge was built . Bucking Palace : is the Queen official London residence . It's a big and luxury palace with 19 living rooms , 52 bedrooms for guest and royal family , 78 bathrooms , 188 staff rooms , 92 official rooms . It was built in 1703 . Victoria Queen lived in here from 1837 . When you walk from the door of palace go inside , you will see a central lake where called †the heart of London †. When you walk around central lake , you ill feel like losing in the heaven because it's has a wonderful and romantic view .The dancer will be waving handkerchief and waving many small bells at their bases . Cotswold is the Morris dance is mildest. * In Cambridge area , people dance Morris Molly style – which follow the nature of humor . This dancing style looks funnier because the male dancer is called †Molly †will be masquerade as a woman . * In the northwest of England , the Morris dance looks more professional . The dancers will stand around to dancing and wearing handcuffs leg . Their clothes especially showy and has a lot of color mixed together .In conclude , England is a rich country about the culture . It's a very exciting place to visit and has many interesting to do . It's really make me attractive and want to know more information about this culture . I hope one day I can visit England and gain some experiences about culture of this country . I hope everyone after reading my little bit information of England would have the same feeling and interested in too . 3 References . -http://thousand. Com. Van/died-nay-tureen-thong-cue-NCO-ann.-la-gig/ -http://vi. Wisped. Org/wick/Ann.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Free Essays on Slang Words
Nigga Vs. Nigger â€Å"Yo! That’s my NIGGA†, is what the average African American person would substitute for the connotation of their buddy, acquaintance, friend and associate. Notice the spelling of the word Nigga; the word ends with the letter â€Å"A†rather than â€Å"ER†. The ending of the word emphasizes a meaning. If the word ends with an â€Å"ER†it’s meant to offend a black person, as oppose to an â€Å"A†, which is used to express friendship within a circle of black friends. Even though the figure of speech is a noun, like the word nigger, it has a whole different meaning behind it. The connotation behind the word nigga symbolizes unity within the African American culture and society. Young black people feel comfortable calling each other â€Å"their nigga’s†because they are aware of the meaning. The connotation behind the word nigga to whites, regardless of the â€Å"A†or â€Å"ER†is negative. White p eople think the meaning is derogatory and always will be because of their perspective on how it was used throughout history. White people feel extremely uncomfortable calling their friends a nigga because they feel the new meaning of the connotation is the same denotation of the word. â€Å"That’s a NIGGER†, is the way many people classified black people back in the day. The word nigger is traced back to 1786 with the same denotation as it has now. A nigger as defined in the Oxford English Dictionary as, â€Å"loosely or incorrectly applied to members of other dark-skinned races.†Throughout history the word nigger was never used in a manner that demonstrates pleasant things, it was always used to belittle a black person for not being similar to what the average person was (white). In the Oxford English Dictionary, all the examples the author provides for the reader reflect a negative meaning of that word. For example, in the dictionary it states to work like a nigger, is to work exceptionally hard. This examp... Free Essays on Slang Words Free Essays on Slang Words Nigga Vs. Nigger â€Å"Yo! That’s my NIGGA†, is what the average African American person would substitute for the connotation of their buddy, acquaintance, friend and associate. Notice the spelling of the word Nigga; the word ends with the letter â€Å"A†rather than â€Å"ER†. The ending of the word emphasizes a meaning. If the word ends with an â€Å"ER†it’s meant to offend a black person, as oppose to an â€Å"A†, which is used to express friendship within a circle of black friends. Even though the figure of speech is a noun, like the word nigger, it has a whole different meaning behind it. The connotation behind the word nigga symbolizes unity within the African American culture and society. Young black people feel comfortable calling each other â€Å"their nigga’s†because they are aware of the meaning. The connotation behind the word nigga to whites, regardless of the â€Å"A†or â€Å"ER†is negative. White p eople think the meaning is derogatory and always will be because of their perspective on how it was used throughout history. White people feel extremely uncomfortable calling their friends a nigga because they feel the new meaning of the connotation is the same denotation of the word. â€Å"That’s a NIGGER†, is the way many people classified black people back in the day. The word nigger is traced back to 1786 with the same denotation as it has now. A nigger as defined in the Oxford English Dictionary as, â€Å"loosely or incorrectly applied to members of other dark-skinned races.†Throughout history the word nigger was never used in a manner that demonstrates pleasant things, it was always used to belittle a black person for not being similar to what the average person was (white). In the Oxford English Dictionary, all the examples the author provides for the reader reflect a negative meaning of that word. For example, in the dictionary it states to work like a nigger, is to work exceptionally hard. This examp...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
A Definition Of Social Justice
A Definition Of Social Justice Before considering social justice, it is important to understand why it matters. Social justice is a powerful idea in society today, buts its origins and meanings are partially unclear. There is perhaps little if any doubt about the significance of this question among people in poor and rich countries. The following research in regard to what I am going to discuss within this essay is looked upon at the concept of justice in regard to the issues and the impact of justice as of reducing the balance between rich and poor. Subsequently the overall concept of justice will appeal in my contention about fairness. As this meaning isnt controvertible it will demonstrate that patterns which are indecencies as embodied in the developing countries demanding another way to deal with justice between the rich and poor nations. However, in today’s gig economy this is not the case with reference to case studies it enables to try bringing out the possibilities and limitations of social justice as of what can be achieved to make it a better outcome. It also talks about the conventions and principles as stated as to what the society is doing to protect the individuals that are of in need of supporting their conditions. It even defines detailed definitions as opposed to every definition being merely different as from the perspective of the person in rich and poor countries such as social justice and fairness each word described having its own meaning. However, no one can deny the gap between rich and poor, but it is becoming progressively wider. Throughout the essay I even have concluded 1 context of justice distributive which is to do with fairness but in contrast it is said to be successful but is still being criticized. It is even argued that social justice is perceived as protecting individuals ensuring that they are treated fairly. The definition stated by Susan Torres offers a useful starting point for explaining the key individual elements of each word as opposed to the context within this definition under international law. As stated social justice is the key fundamental in valuing of ‘fairness and equity in resources, rights and treatment for marginalized individuals and groups of people, who do not share equal power in society because of their immigration, racial, ethnic, age, socio economic, religious heritage, physical ability, or sexual orientation status groups’ . As prior to clearly being a member of society, each member deserves to have all the same rights and opportunities and fairness within because the key components and aspects of social justice are entirely to do with society fairness. Therefore, it concludes to be the very essence of all great spiritual teachings throughout the society and without justice they cannot be any greater justice. To an extent it is even basically trying to create a society so that all members can lead fulfilling lives and have access to all the institutions prior to helping members of society realize potential in the community. Besides that, the meaning of justice is pretty well captured in a more familiar term, because social justice takes the core idea of justice as fairness and fairness often has been used with regards to an ability to judge without reference to ones feelings or interests and it can be heavily debated and is defined differently depending on whether it is from the perspective of the rich or poor. The law is moderately being a characteristic instrument as it can both increase and decrease legal aid. A particular example of the law diminishing legal aid is Equality Act 2010 which legally protects individuals from segregation in the work environment and wider society. However, they are numerous occurrences where this isnt the case in the law protecting individuals against discrimination. However, individuals are still being segregated example women may not get a job position due to becoming a pregnant mother and after that taking a paid leave. Besides that, additionally there is still a compensation pay gap amongst men and women and essentially, they should have right to equal pay. It is very common as to the gender pay gap being a potential topic of interest as of it being reduced within the UK it is still suggested it is still in favor for men. However as indicated over the UK it is said to be that men earn more than ladies as indicated by the national statistics and therefore the equality act must work on the grounds claiming that in April 2017, the sex pay hole for full time representatives diminished to 9.1% as in 1997 it was 17.4% as indicated by ONS. Although over time it has decreased, it is yet not socially on the grounds that people arent dealt with similarly and are contrarily negatively discriminated till day. In R (SG) v Secretary of state for work and pensions (2015) UKSC 16, (2015) 1 WLR 1449, the inquiry was whether the advantage cap was justifiable. The cap limits total of household income from welfare benefits to a fixed sum, irrespective of the subsistence needs of the family. The parties come to terms that it was by implication prejudicial against women. Lady Hale stated that what must be considered is whether the benefit cap applies to lone parents and it can be justified independently of its discriminatory effects. In considering that, Lady Hale concluded that the cap will deprive children of their basic needs which cannot be in their best interests and therefore the indirect sex discrimination inherent in the cap’s implementation is not a proportionate way of achieving its aims. Therefore, the most unfavorably influenced were single guardians with at least 3 or more children living in generally costly leased accommodation. They were adversely influenced as of the fact tha t they were less likely to get away from the impact of the cap and by moving to a new house and getting a job. Overwhelmingly these lone guardians were women and statistics demonstrated that 90% of single guardians are women in the UK. It is even seen that agreements representing those working in the gig economy are an example of exploitative new work patterns, and authoritative commitments in the common law. And sense they can never longer convey justice as shown by Uber and Deliveroo. These two organizations could control business law to profit them, Uber workers are categorized as independently employed working in a gig economy in view of adaptable work hours as they have little to none business security or assurance. Looking at the discussion of social justice in relation to distributive justice in a national and international context, distributive Justice is more concerned with the fair allocations of resources among diverse members of a community. The principles in regards to this are normative principles designed to allocate goods in limited supply relative to demand. The principles vary in what goods are subject to distribution income, wealth, opportunities and on the nature of subjects of the distribution and on the basis the goods distributed. One of the simplest principles of distributive justice is that of strict or radical equality. The principle even says that every person should have the same level of goods and services .However distributive justice is therefore best thought of as providing moral guidance for the political processes and structures that affect the distribution of benefits and burdens in societies. Beyond that the UN often refers poverty as a vicious cycle made up of a r ange of factors associated making it hard to overcome. As opposed to many societies are preventing individuals from enjoying their rights simply either as to who there are or cannot afford. Discriminatory laws, policies and practices may suggest that these groups are even denied the right to high standard of health, to work and adequate housing. Within case study the concept of social justice can have an impact as the laws can affect the opportunities of the freedom of citizens. The laws likewise control the delivery and influence whether assets e.g. education, healthcare and housing are or are not accessible to people based on their racial, ethnic, to age, socio economic, religious, heritage physical ability, or sexual orientation . To an extent at a point when laws discriminate people based on their enrolment to a specific social gathering, they have a substantial impact not just on who but on how people can embody and perform their personality, however likewise they can influence whether they can get to welfare benefits that addresses converging types of poverty. Besides that, what comes into place also is referred with refugees and they are more to do with an individual being given security of protection. Therefore, asylum seekers become a refugee when the immigration authority decides on the outcome whether the individual fits within the international definition of a refugee. Besides this the international law states that for an individual to become a refugee the individual clearly needs to have met the criteria for the refugee status as stated by the article convention 1951. International and European law on a refugee basis is an example of the law being socially just and a measure of reducing balance between the rich and poor claiming the law is giving asylum seekers and refugees the chance to a superior life by enabling them to dwell in their country of origin, if their life is in danger in their country of origin. The Dublin Regulation is one measure of the European law which does this. Article 6(4) of regulation (EU) No604/2013 expresses that a part state in which an unaccompanied child has held up a case for asylum, the best interests of a child must be protected. The law instantly promotes social justice because it is taken account of the prosperity and the best interests of the child into thought before anything else. Within the 1951 convention Article 31 even states that refugees are secured against penalties for reason of illegal entry. The law encompasses human rights and it even promotes social justice and sustainability since it ensures that individuals who are in danger or at risk by aiding them to move to a safe country. Furthermore, Whether the applicant the home countries are ‘safe’ it can be assessed by examining the definition in Annex I of the Procedures Directive, which stipulates that taking into account: the legal situation of a country, the application of the law within a democratic system and the general political circumstances†¦there is generally and consistently no persecution†¦, no torture or inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment and no threat by reason of indiscriminate violence in situations of international or internal armed conflict . Although the 1951 article convention sets out an obligation on states to treat refugees without discrimination in view of their nation of origin , the asylum procedures directive and its recast have enabled the EU nations to partition asylum seekers into various categories, with nationals of certain third nations justifying less favorable procedural treatment than others. This may raise basic strains with obligation to regard of the convention as the foundation of refugee protection in the EU4 and to refrain any elucidation of the EU refuge acquits which would undermine it. According to lady hale speech case study is entirely linked as many infection diseases are killing millions of people each year of whom are in the developing world. The leading cases of illnesses and deaths are in Africa, Asia and south America regions that accounts for the world’s population which are HIV/AIDS, The crisis of aids has especially drawn the attention with respect to the way that numerous number of people in the developing world dont appear to get to the medications that are expected to treat disease or alleviate suffering. Consistently many more people are killed due to the aids in this developing society. The situations behind this is because of the lack of access to essential medicines being manifold, however in many cases high cost of medications is particular barrier to required medicines or treatments. As from knowing excessively the drug prices are often due to strong intellectual property protection. Therefore, the governments within the developing countr ies try and attempt to bring the cost of the medicines down prior to having come under pressure from industrialized countries and the multinational pharmaceutical industry. As to joining WTO it equals to lower tariffs meaning more money for the owner of the medicines. In terms of this the world trade organization partially sets out standards for the overall protection of intellectual property, including patents for pharmaceuticals, which has come under criticism because of the effects that increased levels of patent protection will have on drug prices . Several number of new medicines are vital for the survival of millions they are already too costly for most people in poor countries either because the medicines are unaffordable, have become ineffective due to resistance, or are not sufficiently adapted to specific local conditions and constraints The law as of opposed does not deliver a socially just outcome as of those in a less economically developed nations and wont have the capacity to afford the cost of medicines by owners who have a monopoly because of licenses required by trips. Nonetheless, it does protect individuals property rights so individuals cant copyright their work so nobody else can assume the acknowledgement for it without the owner’s consent. From this, one could come to a conclusion that the Doha Declaration takes a large step toward ensuring that intellectual property protection serves the public interest and lays out the options countries have available when prices of existing patented drugs are too high for their populations .Also that the law protects property more than it does therefore people’s lives are wasted due to patent laws being practiced. It can even be said that law undermines social justice and that law will never be socially just as opposed to the current system of the intellectual property. However as to considering a different context such as human rights, the law still protects people as much as it possibly can as to a certain extent where these laws will allow citizens to flee their country if they feel they are being persecuted. The UK legislation in the 1940s recognized rights to universal free education up to age14.This helped poorer children have free access to schools. The underlying principle was social justice as to those not being able to look after themselves should be looked after by the community from the cradle to the grave. Besides that, in relation to this what emerged in 1942 was a Beveridge report which was a method of reducing the balance between rich and poor as the rich paid into scheme to help the poor. This is an example of the law from the cradle to the grave as to the whole community looking after those in need of help. Referring to lady hale speech from the comments they are ought to be applauded as she has an obligation to secure the task and access the law in the UK. However, she considers it to be her obligation to alert those along these lines and if not, it would be ethically off-base. I feel that the access to justice is a vital issue and if these progressions imply then those with no capital cant challenge those with huge money saves the suggestions for us as a general public are appalling. However, take cases of evidence against huge pharmaceutical organizations for instance without legal aid are currently now impossible. Besides that, there have been hi profile cases of absurdity, for example, the Maxwell Brothers when all is said and done in the arrangement of legal aid it has prompted fairness and equivalent access. In the event the judges say nothing in regard to the approaches about the policies it will therefore destroy natural justice issues. I would recommend that they have failed t he promise they took towards the beginning of their profession and should hang their heads in disgrace. The main thing is that it is basic if they criticize such plans wherever they originate from and are not divided in their complaints. This lady’s balance is a careful critique to me as an indication of her exceptional honesty and faith in the law and access to it for all. I applaud her activities and expectation it causes a genuine verbal confrontation. Overall each case study raises significant questions about the balance between rich and poor in terms of advantages and disadvantages. Besides that, the law does have an important part in promoting social justice, but it is limited. Numerous people would state that the law adds to the realization of a more socially and sustainable society because of human rights and legislation and international and European law, however this isnt altogether true. Whilst the law is encompassing human rights it has promoted social justice in past when incorporated but it isnt always generally for the underprivileged. Property law is a key example of how the law doesnt change the harmony amongst rich and poor rather it builds it. The conception of social justice refers more broadly to fairness and equality, but it additionally speaks to a worldwide structure for human rights, recognition and dignity, however patent laws are utilized for instance peoples dignity and human rights are not regarded. Also crediting individuals for their work is considered more vital than saving a life, therefore it isnt altogether. Just, it can be esteemed ethically wrong while social justice is tied in with being ethically right and moral. Further on in regard to the laws having an impact on these circumstances changes have been implemented but it doesnt have much of a big impact as to balance. Beyond that referring to lady hale speech every context in social justice has a different meaning in poor and rich countries because of the world we live in and prior to the difficulties faced. However, at a point we understand justice drives from ensuring that all individuals and countries have equal opportunities to exercise their talents and be rewarded for their efforts. Also, as to the 1951 conventions being in place it helps provide a good framework within which decisions can be made and it can at least help with decisions and help individuals.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Civil Liberties Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Civil Liberties - Essay Example This can be classified as mercy killing. It is the killing of a terminally ill patient in order to stop the patients’ earthly sufferings. The article discusses Seneca recommends to Marcelino to consider suicide in order to end the unnecessary suffering from a painful incurable ailment. New literature classified the suicide option when the patient is faced with a terminally ill ailment as dying with respect and dignity. Further, the article places the ethical acceptance of medically induced euthanasia. The American Euthanasia society defines Euthanasia as the ending of a patient’s life without any pain inflicted in order to put a stop to the patient’s endless suffering. In Belgian Law, the euthanasia of minors is legally permitted in cases when the children can no longer bear the pain of the incurable ailment where death is inevitable. Furthermore, euthanasia or mercy killing violates the universal human rights declaration of 1948. The declaration that everyone has the right to liberty, life, as well as security is legally enshrined. The law prohibits the intentional taking of another person’s life, except when the court decision imposes the death penalty on the convicted criminal. The article ends emphasizing Euthanasia is allowed in certain cases. In addition, another article emphasized the United States constitution compulsorily states that everyone is entitled to own property, liberty, and life (Hamrick, 2013). One of the amendments that prioritize enforcement of the three rights is the 5th amendment. Another amendment is the 14th amendment. The article reiterates that criminal intention is an important ingredient in the determination if the suspect is guilty of violating the law. Criminal intent is called Mens Rea. Thus, any person has the liberty to carry guns and grenades. The mere possession of cocaine, guns, or other prohibited drugs does not automatically constitute a criminal, unless criminal intent to violate the law is
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